
84 | Praising the Creation Over the Creator!

Jonathan Rich

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Have you ever caught yourself marveling at the gifts without giving due credit to the Giver? Our latest episode takes a profound look at why we might be getting it wrong by praising the creation more than the Creator, as highlighted in Romans 1:21-25. We unravel the nuanced forms of idolatry that sneak into our lives—be it the excessive admiration for church leaders or the material facets of worship. Engage with us on this deep dive as we challenge ourselves to discern genuine veneration from the misplaced glorification that can infiltrate our spiritual communities!

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Speaker 1:

You're listening to the Everyday Christian Podcast where we apply scripture principles to everyday Christian lives. I'm John Rich.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Sean Sloggett, and today we're going to be talking about praising the creation over the creator. Before we start that, though, I do want to mention something real quick. It's been, I think, three episodes ago now. I kind of forget now, but we did say that we were bringing something new on, or something new we were looking at doing, and to stay tuned for it, but this is the announcement here. We are now offering Everyday Christian podcast mugs. Yes, if anybody is interested in them. Yes, we are doing that now. That is something that we are making ourselves. Of course, the mugs we are having to bring in, but we are making those. If anybody is interested in them, you can reach out to Brother Jonathan, myself or the podcast page. We will be selling them for $25 apiece and using that money to support the podcast, to raise funds for new equipment or different things. We've got other ideas, things that we're looking at doing, but we do have mugs now. So if you guys want one, just go ahead and reach out to us.

Speaker 1:

Man and I actually forgot to bring my mug today.

Speaker 2:

So Sean's got a really cool, cool personalized mug and I do not I made one and on the back of it I put my name, and I made one for him that has john on the back of it and dude ran off and left it, so it's his own problem yeah, it's.

Speaker 1:

Uh, it's on me, but if you want to buy one we will find. Find some for you. I'm kidding $25. We'd love for you to be a part of that. Again, like Brother Sean said, the purchase you know we're not really in a lot of this for the money, but it takes money to run a podcast. Some of you may be surprised by that. Anyway, we want to go ahead.

Speaker 2:

I was just going to say I will be making some other things as well. Um, you know, if you guys just kind of want to watch out for that, there will be maybe some other things, probably more on my personal page for it, uh, but and and the money that I make from that again, you know I'm gonna have to cover different expenses and stuff for it also, uh, but we will be using it to to further other mission works and things for it also. Uh, but we will be using it to to further other mission works and things like that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, so we're going to get right into the episode here, which, by the way, we are live. Um, we've done this. Will be the second time now. Sean and I have actually done a live episode and there's some. Obviously, connectivity may might not be the greatest, sound may not be the greatest, but we will re-release this with better sound later if it does end up, you know, doing something bad. Of course, I'm getting the little Wi-Fi ticker here saying our connection's slow, so please bear with us.

Speaker 1:

We are going to release this episode again at a later time, at least the audio version of this episode, but we want to thank you all for joining us. Thank you for listening in. We are live. Please leave us a question, please leave us a comment, please share this, and we pray that something that we say helps you. We're going to get right into the episode here, which is praising the creation over the creator, and I had a couple of things to say. Brother Sean and I actually have the same verse. We started with the same verse. I'll let him read that here in a moment. But when we read this scripture, we're going to talk about it. We often think you know, brother Sean, just read the scripture, I tell you what.

Speaker 2:

Just just start us off. It works so much better starting it off that way. When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man and to birds and four-footed beasts and creeping things and four-footed beasts and creeping things, wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves, who changed the truth of God into a lie and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever.

Speaker 1:

You know, let's get right into that scripture. A lot of times when we hear that scripture, we hear it read, we read it ourselves. We often think about some sort of hippie movement or someone out there celebrating and worshiping trees or worshiping material things, and I believe it may be a part of that, but it is more than that and one, you know, thinking about this episode. You know, oftentimes we go through and we'll prepare an episode, and it's not that we don't think about it or that we don't put a lot of study time into it. We do that. But sometimes there's episodes that we have that we have to sort of pause and realize, you know, we need grace in the subject and we need wisdom in the subject. And actually, brother Sean, before this episode I thought, was you know what was great? Is you know he wanted to pray about this and really have the mind of God. And so please understand, you know a lot of the things that I'm going to be sharing. I told him I was like I'm going to preface this. These are not Sean Sloggett views, these are my views. So please bear with me. But have you ever heard the phrase that preacher preached the house down tonight? Or? My goodness, she can't just sing, she can sing, she does great. Have you ever rolled your eyes at who they had on the bulletin to preach, while also making up reasons and excuses not to go to that service? Better yet, have you ever decided that you were going to go to a service because someone that everyone has talked about was going to preach there, or because someone that you've heard before and really liked was going to be there? But, sean, I know I have Half of you are doing that.

Speaker 1:

We've got a lot of things going on through the year a lot of camp meetings. We've got PFYC, we've got men's advance, we've got men's retreat, we've got ladies retreat, we've got ladies conference, we've got men's conference. It just continually goes on and a lot of times we do that. Well, this guy preached on fire tonight. This guy led us and his teaching was incredible tonight and they praised that preacher. Or the choir sang incredibly tonight and they praised the choir and the choir director. Some of us do that with every camp meeting, conference, men's retreat, ladies retreat. Your service is depending on the quality of the person singing, the quality of the person teaching and the quality of the person preaching. You know, oftentimes your service is depending on the quality of people who are running the meeting and not in the one who the meeting is for in the first place.

Speaker 2:

Brother Sean, I've got another verse I'm just going to go ahead and throw out here real quick, exodus 23 through 5. We've all read this verse before and we've all heard it thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them, for I, the Lord, thy God, am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. You know, when we think of gods, you know thou shalt have no other gods before me. Again, we think of the trees and the statues and all these things that we can do. When we fail to realize that a lot of times it's way more than that. You know, we will create football. We will make a god out of football. You have to watch it every Sunday and it's Thursday night football football.

Speaker 1:

You have to watch it every Sunday and it's Thursday night football. As a Dallas Cowboys fan that God has failed me several, several, several times.

Speaker 2:

Every year for the last 26 years or whatever. Yeah, so God's will fail you. There's your proof right there. God's will fail you. But if we're not careful and people have just disagreed and argue on this for a while, for years, but we turn other people into our gods and and it's, it's okay. You know, brother john was talking about the, the preacher that preached the house down, and the singer that's saying we're not saying that you can't talk about how good they say, we're not saying you can't express how good they preached, but when it comes to the point that it's always about that singer or it's always about that minister, you are giving your heart, soul, your mind over to that preacher that singer.

Speaker 2:

You're saying hey, man, this is why I go there, that's, you know, that's the point that he was trying to make. Yeah, we get so tied up in that and it being about those people that we lose focus and we start to create those gods. Don't give your heart, soul, soul, mind to anything else. Give it to God. It's okay to want to do things, it's okay to worship others, it's okay to think highly of other people, but where are you really truly ranking them? Are you putting those people above God? You can tell yourself no, I'm not. Are you putting those people above God? You can tell yourself, no, I'm not. But if you were to take a step back and really look at it, I feel that more often than we each me myself included care to admit more times than not we do without even realizing it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you'll have to bear with us. The camera actually went off a moment ago so you'll have to forgive me if it goes off a couple times. We are still streaming audio, so just listen. But Brother Sean's right, and actually I love it whenever we don't really compare notes, we just prepare study and then we come together, because I have that mentioned in here too. But you know, a lot of times here we go harsh.

Speaker 1:

Brother Jonathan, not Brother Sean, but half of the meetings that you attend aren't for God anyway. They're for your own fellowship with other people. They're for you to show off your own style. They're for you to see if you can outshout your friends. They're for you to be seen when you're standing up to say man through the preacher, and that goes for all you preachers out there as well. If you're putting zingers and bits in your messages that will get a rise out of people, that will grant you the coveted amens and that will boost your ratings around pastors that will welcome you to come preach in their church, then you're praising yourself, you are praising others, but you aren't praising God, and I've had this mentality before. Well, if I could throw that saying in there, or throw in a quote I heard once. Then maybe they will shout all over the building and flood the altars. I get it.

Speaker 1:

No one has ever said that, brother Sean. No one's ever actually believed that. I like to think differently. I beg to differ. I've been to Bible school. I've been around preachers all my life. I know what their mentalities are, and I'm not saying preachers as a whole. There are a lot of incredible preachers out there. There are a lot of preachers you know, I mentioned this in my life the other day. There are a lot of preachers out there that I really really love, I really enjoy listening to. But if your point to preaching is to gather amens, you're not preaching correctly. If your point to preaching is so that people will give you a pat on the back, you're not doing it right. The praise has turned from God to people and to yourself, brother Sean.

Speaker 2:

He just said something about us having our notes kind of lining up, and that was one of my next points is that when you have to please the higher-ups and fall under their good graces to get to preach, there might be a problem. Yeah, yeah, I mean, I understand that you have to get your name out there. I understand that you have to be known to be called upon to preach meetings and things, but it seems more often than not, if we're honest, that people start making their rounds and I can say this, I feel like, with some confidence, because I was an evangelist's son growing up. I saw a lot of these things firsthand. Evangelists don't go to the small churches to preach very often. Why not? Because there's no money, and I understand you have to make money to survive.

Speaker 1:

You know more than anybody that you have to make money evangelizing to survive.

Speaker 2:

But you have to make money and they don't mean as much Because the big dogs aren't there. Yeah, I have preached at small churches before. I am a preacher, a minister, and I have preached at some small churches. Maybe one time, I think, have I ever preached at a meeting before. I haven't been out much, but some of those people at small churches have told me we've invited people to come to preach before us before and they always turn us down. Do you know why that is?

Speaker 1:

I can't say that I do I do know why.

Speaker 2:

But how do you tell them that? Yeah, well, it might be because you guys don't take up an offering that's big enough. Yeah, I went and preached at a church in another state and it was just for a weekend. Yeah, I didn't get enough money to pay for my fuel there and back home again, it didn't bother me one bit. Do evangelists struggle financially? I'm sure some of them do. I could help you out on another podcast. Maybe Take care of your finances better, but that's another point.

Speaker 1:

You're in all kinds of trouble. We just talked about being wise about this and being nice.

Speaker 2:

We can't edit that part out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's too live.

Speaker 2:

I mean, we all make mistakes. I've made mistakes this week too. I was telling Brother Jonathan about it earlier. I made a financial mistake, I'll admit it. But going back to it, there are, I mean, there's those things. But when your ministry is geared more towards the and I don't mean this derogatory, but the elites of our movement, then it is of who am I going to help? Or if I preach that meeting, what can I say to benefit somebody? Then we're on very dangerous ground. Yeah, then we're on very dangerous ground.

Speaker 1:

Yeah Well, and you can have a lot to say without. Again, I said a moment ago, like those zingers, like we all know what those titles are, we all know what those sayings are. You know it's holiness or hell. We all know those ones that get people to amen you and jump up and down and shout. We all know those sayings, we all know those things that get people fired up. But again, it just goes back to the reasoning behind it. What are you praising? We aren't careful enough, bershon we get into a mode where, talking about music there's been a lot of music in the Facebook world today, amongst our movements but if we aren't careful, we can get into a mode where we are praising the song rather than praising the reason for the song.

Speaker 1:

And I'm just going to go on record. Right now I'm live. I can't change it. I love the song that everyone and their mother is singing right now called Trusting God. My wife doesn't like the song that everyone and their mother are singing right now called Trusting God. My wife doesn't like the song very much because of the part that says, uh, she's like stop, they can just sing it Anyway. Um, I don't care who it's from, I don't care it's by. I like the lyrics of that song, but I also really really like the music. The beat is awesome, the music is there, the tune is very good. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with liking a beat or liking the music which, by the way, you're worshiping the devil's drum.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, shut up. I don't think there's anything wrong with the beat of the music that is playing in the background, so long as we have an understanding that we aren't always praising God with a beat or music. So we're going to set that aside, and I'm also going to let you know that the devil didn't invent music. God did first of all. So we'll move on from that. God invented music. God invented all things. Just because things are twisted and used for evil does not mean that they were invented by the devil.

Speaker 1:

I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Don't shout and run around the building because someone else is doing it and tell me that it's because you're trying to praise God. Tell me the truth. You were trying to stir up a service in your eyes and a service that, in your eyes, appeared to be dead, but don't replace your worship and service to God with worship and service to mankind. I shared a quote last week, brother Sean, I'll let you take over from there, but from Paris Reedhead that I believe can apply here. It says most Christians do not have fellowship with God. They have fellowship with each other about God, and I would go as far as to say that most Christians don't worship God or praise God. They worship and praise each other about God, brother Sean.

Speaker 2:

You know, I feel like we worship and this is something that I actually thought about a few weeks ago, even before Brother John, and I even mentioned talking about this that I feel like we worship the church, the church house, more than we do God at times. I am all for church services, I am all for consistency, I am all for going to church when you have the chance. On that note, if you don't make time, there won't be time for church. I think that church needs to have an importance. I'm not saying that If you don't make it a priority, then you won't have a chance to go to church because you will be too busy. I am all for being at church, but there are those that would miss a weekend and all of a sudden, the pastor has to get up and say I don't understand why everybody has to be on a hunting trip this weekend and start tearing into those that aren't even there.

Speaker 1:

That's not helpful. Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 2:

I enjoy going to church, but I'm not worshiping church. If you miss a weekend or if you're sick and you can't go and you're looked down upon or you think less of yourself personally, you may be worshiping the church house, or others may be worshiping the church house, or others may be worshiping the church house. Yeah, my wife. She misses church when she doesn't get to go. It bothers her not to make it in a sense that she wants to be at church. She strives to be at church every chance that she gets. She tells me when we go on vacations I hate that I'm going to miss church this weekend because I enjoy being there. But she also understands that it's not about the home church. It's a good environment to be in and she wants to be in that good environment, but she's not worshiping the environment. You know, if you're more worried about what the pastors and preachers think than what God thinks, there might be a problem than what God thinks there might be a problem. If you're more worried about what the movement thinks than what God thinks you're worshiping the creation, there might be a problem.

Speaker 2:

Newsflash the holiness movement is not going to get you into heaven. It's not going to get me into heaven. The assembly of God movement it's not going to get me into heaven. The Assembly of God movement it's not going to get you into heaven. The Baptist movement it's not going to get you into heaven. Throw whatever movement you want on there, that denomination is not going to get you into heaven. Neither is the leader of your movement. We criticize and tear down the Catholic movement for trusting and relying on the Catholic Church and the Pope. I've heard it and you've heard it Take your sins to Jesus Christ, not to the Pope, and I agree 100%. You don't have to talk to the Pope, but then when the preacher says something, we take it as the gospel truth.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And the preacher has said things. I'm not tearing all of them down. Preachers have given us very good things. We need ministers, we need preachers, we need evangelists, we need the gospel spread, but whether it's good, whether it's petty, whether it's stupid, or we understand it or not, well, he said it, so we have to do it, and I don't agree with that. Yeah, martin Luther challenged the Catholic Church because they wouldn't let others study the Word for themselves. And it seems, as times, we're backtracking to where. Well, if they say it, we have to follow it.

Speaker 2:

And that's not true Get in the Word for yourself, study it. Yeah, and that's not true. Get in the Word for yourself, study it for yourself. It's very beneficial when you learn for yourselves.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And we've heard things like well, he thinks tithes. The pastor says that tithes are prideful, so I'm not going to have them. Really, open-toed shoes are immodest, so we can't have them. Really, Men can't have beards, they're worldly. Go study that one out, please. I dare you the country I mean sorry, southern gospel music is the only thing you can listen to because the only thing you can listen to.

Speaker 2:

We can tear down every other brand type of music, but when it comes to Southern gospel, it's its own genre. No, it's not Right. I'm sorry it's not. It came from country music. It's got the same lyrics and tunes and backwood hillbilly banjo picking right. I can't, I'm sorry, y'all are gonna fall out with me I just I don't like bluegrass music.

Speaker 1:

I just want to share loves it I just want to share a couple things. First of all, because every time we get into some of these podcasts you always talk about beards.

Speaker 2:

Can't grow one, so that's good, I'm taking shots, eddie.

Speaker 1:

No, no open-toed shoes. That's dirty. No, open-toed shoes. I can't stand Southern gospel music. No, there's some of it, that's okay. No offense, See, I really lost you there.

Speaker 1:

But you're right, though. A lot of us we worship others, we worship ourselves and we fail to worship God, and I think that it goes back to you know, like I said earlier, like a big thing is talking about. A big thing right now today is music, and you can say you don't like secular music, all that you want. But when you're praising someone's voice or talent more than praising God, there's an issue. There.

Speaker 1:

We have made mistake after mistake, trying to find someone who will be the next flavor of the month because of a shout-down sermon they preached at youth camp. We have to stop praising preachers. We have to stop praising teachers. We have to stop praising singers. I love good singing, I love good preaching, I love good teaching.

Speaker 1:

Don't praise a deacon. Don't honor and praise anything over God, Brother Sean, and that's the whole point. There's nothing wrong with honoring people. Honoring people is all through the Bible, I mean. There's nothing wrong with that. And in fact, there's not anything really wrong with praising people. Some people need that acknowledgement, Some people need that encouragement, but when you praise them and you honor them over God, we have issues.

Speaker 1:

Psalm 34 and 3, this is what the Bible says, One of my favorite scriptures in all the Bible. It says magnify the Lord with me. It goes on to say let us exalt his name together, but magnify the Lord of me. It's more than just. You know. I've heard preachers preach about taking a magnifying glass and making God bigger, or making him appear larger, and I think that it's a part of that. But it's bigger than that. You know. God's bigger than any man. It's not a magnification of God for someone else, it's making God bigger in my own life. God is big regardless of what magnified. There we go. My I swear my alarm just went off. God is big regardless of where I put him. But is he big in my life? Is he number one in my life? God needs to excite us again.

Speaker 1:

You know, Sister Morgan sent me a picture. I don't know why. I said Sister Morgan, You're like you guys know who she is. My wife, Morgan, sent me a picture of a lizard that Jackson caught today and he was excited. I can't remember what she said he was saying, but he was saying something over and over again. He was just so pumped, so excited, and I got to be honest with you. I'm not really excited about catching lizards. Like if I see a lizard, it's like yeah, whatever, Okay, that's kind of cool looking. I'll look at it for a couple of seconds and I move on. But not him right now. Like to me, it's whatever to me now. But I remember when I was younger I loved chasing lizards. I loved trying to catch bugs. I loved being outside. It excited me. That's how it was when I was his age. I wanted to chase that excitement I wanted to chase.

Speaker 1:

Something new to you is when was the last time you went back and looked at what God did for you and how excited you were? When was the last time you went back to that moment that God changed you, saved you, that he healed you, that he delivered you, and you remember how thankful and how grateful and how excited you were to be connected to Him. You say, well, we shouldn't live in the past. Well, it's a lot better than living in your current, your present. When did we get into such a state that other ministers mean more to us than God? I've got some news for you BH Clendenin is not more important than God. None of the snows, the webs, the suits, the Simpsons, the Hudsons, the Stevens or the Smiths or the riches or the sloggits are more important than God. If you look up to me, I'm going to fail you. If you look up to me and praise me, sooner or later I'm going to fall. But if you praise God, if you turn your direction to God, stop worrying about how good the song is and praise the creator.

Speaker 1:

I was in Bible college. We were in choir and there was a song that we sung about the rapture and that song was the one that everybody shouted to. Everyone got excited, Everyone ran around the building numerous times over that song, over and, over and over again. We go to churches over and over and every time we got to that song people shouted. I remember going to Indiana this is a little braggadocious, so you'll have to forgive me. I remember we went to a church in Indiana and my grandpa who was sick to death he was, I think he died like two or three years after this and he was sick, he couldn't walk very well, he couldn't see very well and he got in there into the service and we sang a slow song about praise and everybody was sitting down like they did during this song and I just remember him standing up and just like holding on to the pew and just jumping and getting excited about God.

Speaker 1:

No, it's not about the music, it's not about the song. It's about God. No, it's not about the four-four time tempo. No, it's not about how good the saxophone or the guitar or the tambourine is. It's about God. No, it's not about the zingers from the preacher. No, it's not about how good the song leader's voice is or how good the worship team's voices are or how good the special singer is. It's about God. Turn your direction to him. Stop praising everybody else. I see it all the time. That preacher preached. Amazing. How did God help you in that service? That singer sang. How did God help you in that service? Did you meet with him? Did you visit him? Did you worship him? God is and should be above and before anything else, Brother Sean.

Speaker 2:

We understand the guidelines and respecting, honoring those. We're not saying, we're not speaking against that. Please don't misunderstand us. But most of what we have most is probably strong. I'll put it this way Some of what we have most is probably strong. I'll put it this way Some of what we have going on is not respecting, it's not honoring, it's being forced into submission. And some of you will want to say I already hear it, I wasn't forced into anything. Okay, well then you were blindly led into it. Not everybody, I'm not saying everybody, but there is a lot of forcing and blindly leading people into these things.

Speaker 2:

If you hear phrases like don't touch God's anointed and all you're doing is asking questions about them or questioning them, there's a problem. That creation is being worshipped more than the creator. Yes, if you or anybody else gets to a place where they can't be questioned, run. I don't know how else to say it. That's very, very dangerous. I don't know how else to say it. That's very, very dangerous. And some of you may not understand this part, but if you aren't allowed to be in that realm, there is a problem. People are being worshipped. When you, as a person, are more worried about what so-and-so thinks about me, you're worshiping you're praising creation.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, when you have to please the higher-ups, there's a problem, right? We see this going on all around us and people ask questions and then don't understand what's going on, because we are told one thing and we're shown another. We are told to worship God and God alone. Then we can't do anything else. We have people that are hurting, people that are dying, people that are seeking the truth, and we're more concerned about hurting the preacher's feelings. Yeah, I'm going to pose this question, and I have for three or four days now. This question has burned on my heart. How many more souls are we going to lose? How many more people are going to be hurt physically, spiritually, financially, while we let others harm countless others?

Speaker 1:

You're right.

Speaker 2:

We get so focused on these things, where we praise the organizations, where we praise the people, oh no, worship God, worship God. Worship God. Well, if you're not, holiness, you're going straight to hell. You're praising holiness. You're going straight to hell. You're praising holiness. You're praising a denomination. Holiness isn't perfect. No denomination is perfect. There are some that are way better than others. I'll give you that.

Speaker 2:

But I'm tired of seeing the denominations and the people and the church houses praised more than the Creator, because we are doing way more damage. People, church, listen. We are doing way more damage than we probably will ever be able to repair. We need to serve God, we need to get focused on Jesus Christ. I don't want any to fall by the wayside. Right, I don't want anybody to be hurt, but if we have to I don't know how to say this right, I don't want people to be hurt, but there are those out there that are hurting intentionally, that are hurting people intentionally, and if I have to get in the way of them to save others, I'm at a point now where I'm ready. I'm not doing it to make myself look good, I'm not doing it for any gain, nothing, but people are hurting and I'm ready to help, and the first way that we can start by helping is to get them pointed back to Christ. Show them Christ and worship Christ, brother John.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, brother Sean, a lot of great things there, things that I appreciate. I hope some of you take it to heart. Some of you are not going to, and I get that. Some of you are just going to continue hurting, continue praising yourself and praising others, but pray that somebody will listen to this and go back to what God's done for you and go back to praising the creator over praising creation. A lot of things going on. We thank you all for joining us in this live episode. We had some technical glitches and difficulties. We'll try to fix those before the next time we go live, which will probably be in like a month or two, maybe six months. We'll see how it goes.

Speaker 1:

But if you would like a the everyday Christian podcast I almost spilled Sean's drink over here the Everyday Christian podcast mug. It's got a cool emblem on here. I don't know, are you thinking about putting people's names on it or no? I don't know. We haven't thought about that. Okay, just bear with us here. This is new. But if you want a everyday Christian podcast, let me turn this right mug with our cool logo on it $25. Again, it goes back into the ministry that we're doing here and, uh, we. We would love it If you don't want to order that. We've got a couple of different things in the pipeline.

Speaker 2:

That, yeah that does include shipping. So if anybody has one or considering it, you know that will be, that will be. Shipping in the United States is included in that.

Speaker 1:

Yes, if you need it shipped to Africa, you're out of luck. We may have to do a little more research, have to do a little more research. So, yes, if you are in the US and you would like a mug, let us know. $25. You can get one for yourself. Thank you all for joining us. A lot of things going on in the pipeline that we're going to share with you here in the very near future, but God bless you and we appreciate you for listening in. You're listening to the Everyday Christian Podcast, where we apply scriptural principles to everyday Christian lives. God bless, thank you. Thank you.

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