
89 | Uncharted

Jonathan Rich

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What happens when you try to juggle a business, a family, and a Sunday school class? Join us for a candid conversation about balancing work and family life, all while recording in a toasty environment. You'll get a taste of our light-hearted banter, some cheesy jokes, and heartfelt gratitude for our amazing listeners. Plus, we give a special shout-out to our teens navigating tough biblical questions in our virtual classes.

From global uncertainties to the evolving landscape of children's media, we tackle some heavy-hitting topics with honesty and concern. Listen as we discuss the importance of grounding our children in strong Christian values and nurturing their faith amidst changing societal norms. Wrapping up, we reflect on the significance of family connections and extend our heartfelt thanks to you, our listeners, for your unwavering support.

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Speaker 1:

Every day, literally, is a gift from God Every moment that I'm here, free to do whatever I want. And where am I taking that? What am I doing with that time? Am I spending enough time with my kids, or am I just doing things you know work, or working around the house, or doing odd-end jobs, or doing things that you know? It's not that I want to be procrastinating or lazy, but it's like I would much rather connect with my kids and my wife and be close to them than just, you know, kill myself working.

Speaker 2:

You're listening to the everyday christian podcast where we apply scriptural principles to everyday christian lives.

Speaker 1:

I'm sean sluggett and I'm john rich, and today we are going to wing it, brother sean, and we are going to do a day in the life of the everyday christian podcast. We've done kind of a similar. We're really kicked back here, seriously, look at my legs. All right, we're there. Don't look at my legs, look at my feet, uh, because I don't think you can see my legs over this. Don't lust, I don't think there's nothing to lust over. Don't worry, I don't think you can see my legs over this computer.

Speaker 1:

So anyway, um, this is sort of a off the chain, uncharted style podcast. We don't. We typically have a podcast topic every time that we discuss or have an episode. We don't have that here. We've done this once before, I think, brother Sean and I. It seemed to go well. We just want to do it here and just kind of shoot the breeze, talk about different things. We can literally talk about anything in this episode, so just stay tuned and prepare. If you're watching it on video, you can see we're kicked back. Sean's got his cool recliner. I called it a couch earlier because it's a really big recliner and I'm just chilling. If you do hear air conditioners we've got a couple of air conditioners on, it looks like we're in my grandma's basement. We are not in grandma's basement, we are in my office. So I don't know if that's a compliment it's in my grandma or a bash to my office, but anyway it's currently 100 degrees, with a real feel of 105.

Speaker 2:

So that's why we have air conditioners.

Speaker 1:

So we've got these cool like we've got fans. Sean has an air conditioner behind him. I've got this cool little fan with the neat. So you'll see that. You know trying to keep myself cool here. But we want to thank everybody who's listened to us, supported us, been there for us, prayed for us, talked with us. We want to thank all those who have joined our virtual class. You've got the signs up here.

Speaker 1:

If you're a teen struggling to find answers in the Bible, if you're trying to figure things out about God for yourself or trying to figure out how to study the Word of God for yourself, I want to introduce you to that class. We do it right now. I think we're doing it like at once every three weeks. We're trying to do another one by next Monday, which by the time you listen to this, it'll probably be tonight that we're doing it, so you'll have to get in on the next one. But if you ever want to be a part of that or want to learn about those kind of things, I think we're going to discuss homosexuality in detail how to deal with people who are homosexual in the next class. So it'll be really interesting. Sean, I don't call you Brother Sean, because we're uncharted man, we're not professional in this.

Speaker 2:

Always he called Brother Sean. It's throwing me for a loop now. No, like Brother Jonathan said, I'm going to rebuke him for this by calling him brother all throughout the episode. Now this is something we are just kind of winging it right now or for this episode, mainly because and I'm not trying to throw him under the bus here but Brother John has had a lot on his plate these last several weeks trying to get set up for conferences and golf tournaments and I mean he's had a whole list of things going on. Um and I was gone to a it was a camp meeting but I took me and another couple, me and my wife and another couple. I took a group up to the mountains of New Mexico for a meeting. So there was just a lot happened these last several weeks. So forgive us if this episode is not for you. Move on, we'll get some more content going.

Speaker 2:

The virtual classes for sure is a good thing. I have listened in on some of them. I'm not actively participating in any of the teaching right now, just so you know. We've discussed certain things on it. We felt like it may be best to do it that way. I may join in on some of them. I may try to teach some of them, but you know it's a great class to listen to. If you're needing any questions, or if you have questions, you are welcome to send them to us by messenger if you have any questions, and we can try and answer them or do a lesson on them if we feel that's necessary so we're going to start this episode with your best clean joke you can't hit me with that right now because I said the word clean or just.

Speaker 1:

I'm just kidding um no, because I'm.

Speaker 2:

I can't think of one off the cuff like that I know, that's just how it is.

Speaker 1:

You had said something about it before. I thought maybe you're thinking about it. But it's fine, oh, you got one. They see, you can hit it off the cuff like that I heard this one today.

Speaker 2:

It's a, it's a total bible dad joke. It's a dandy, as they call it. Why? Why was joshua, or why was Ruth, afraid of Joshua? Why? Because Joshua judges Ruth.

Speaker 1:

Oh yes, Complete dad joke. That's the one. Yep, I like that one. I always go back to my. This is not really biblical, but Points to me. I mean I have a couple of biblical ones, but Points to me what's? I mean? I have a couple of biblical ones, don't get me wrong. I just I'm trying to think of ones that are that are funny, that everyone he's trying to think of a clean joke now, because I threw a biblical one out.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, all the ones that I can think of are like really cheesy and dad jokes. You know, like that one wasn't well. I'm saying though, yes, so you set the tone there, but I was trying to go opposite dad joke and do something else, but all I can think about are dad jokes, probably cause I'm a dad I don't know. Um, I had one that was like what, what has four legs, sits outside and is Irish. What Patty, oh, what patty, oh, furniture, all right, look on sean's face. Uh, says it all that that was not funny in the slightest. Um, but yeah, that's.

Speaker 2:

those are the jokes that they're not funny, but they're so stupid you have to laugh at them if you get around someone that laughs those, those kind of jokes, it helps too.

Speaker 1:

Like there's certain people that can laugh at a joke and even though the joke's stupid, not funny, I would never laugh at it. Just their laughing just kills me. I die has everybody.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure most people have seen this video by now. But, like the uh at the comedy barn where that lady started laughing, I don't think I am. Yeah, you know the. So there's this lady in the crowd at a comedy barn and this guy is like hitting people on the heads to me and it's like their turn to just kind of move their mouth like they're talking, and this lady starts laughing in the crowd and they lose control of the entire crowd, everybody on stage and everything, and it just completely shifts to where you see this lady over here laughing hysterically. It's, it's an old video. Well, I'll show you afterwards.

Speaker 1:

There's people like that. Like that, I know of that. Yeah, they're hilarious. Like that, I know of that. Yeah, they're hilarious. The other one, the the bible dad joke I was going to tell, was how does moses like his tea? He brews it. There you go, I knew you would know that one. Um, there's some pickup lines too, like uh, like, if I walk around you seven times, will you fall for me? Like that's always a good one. Uh, I tell my wife that one every now and then and she falls in love all over again I'm sure she does like did it hurt when you fell from heaven?

Speaker 2:

yeah, because it looks like you hit every branch on the way down yeah, I like the one where it's like did it hurt?

Speaker 1:

okay, all right, hold on, my brain farted. And then I I thought about that the second time. I was like, okay, that was, that was good. Um, I always like it, though, when people tell that joke and they're like, um, did it hurt when you fell from heaven, or whatever, like talking about their angel, and they're just like, did you just call me the devil? Like because he was kicked out of heaven. Uh, anyway, so what's going on in your life, sean? What do you got going on? You've shared a little bit with me, but share with the audience here.

Speaker 2:

Quite a bit going on right now. I am self-employed, run my own business. Lots of ups and downs when it comes to that, especially in this type of economy. Election years always seem to mess with that kind of stuff. As most people know, um, just living life, married with four kids.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure a lot of you all know that we're here in oklahoma, got a sunday school class that I teach, not sure why, um, but me and a good friend of mine, we're not really assistant or teacher and assistant anymore. We've kind of blended that at discretion from some others at our church. It was a very great idea. They actually had approached us several years ago and they approached most classes about. I don't know if they took it up or not, but they said you know, most of the time you have a teacher and you have an assistant and the teacher will teach for eight, nine, 10, 14 weeks, you know forever. And then when they finally need to go on vacation for a week, they ask the assistant to come in. And then, when they finally need to go on vacation for a week, they ask the assistant to come in and our superintendent at the time said hey, it's here or there, whatever you want to do with it, but something that I think we need to try and do just try it, see how it works is maybe you take two Sundays and you take sundays or alternate or do back to back or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Uh, so we tried it and it actually worked out really well. Um, I asked, or I'd let the students ask questions, if they have questions on my sunday, uh, we try to study them out, answer them, and then the other sundays, uh, brother ben, the other gentleman, guy loser, that helps me, whatever you want to call him uh, he will actually put a lesson together and teach lessons on certain topics. Uh, that and that it seemed to have worked really well. So we're kind of co-teachers now I, I guess is the way to put it Just moving on with life, trying to be successful and be God-fearing, be a good Christian while I'm at it.

Speaker 1:

Struggling with some of it, but we won't say what parts I'm struggling with. I think we all kind of do that.

Speaker 2:

I'm the same boat, oh.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Why don't you get Cornell? I got my hat on here, of course, so this is the one I forget. At least, I brought up christ.

Speaker 1:

If I forgot being, if I would have forgot being a christian, then then y'all would have had some real issues I had a team meeting the other day and they were asking me, like about my life. I say the other day, it's been like four months ago. I always say that the other day and um, it was to a new team, they didn't know me, so they're trying to figure out things about me and I went through this whole spill about like you know what I do, who I am, and all that. And then my my boss actually if you're listening, jody hi, how you doing? She said what about your podcast? And I was, yeah, you forgot. Yeah, no, I also do a podcast and I kind of explain that, but I went through this whole spill.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, sorry, that's funny, you get called out for stuff like that we all do that. She called me out, though, because hey, that just proves to show you, guys, we're human just like the rest of you. Yeah, don't glorify jonathan. You'll fail like he'll mess up and then so quick, yeah, yeah, before the night is over. Uh, no, so I picked up cornhole. Uh, it's probably been about three months ago or so. Now, if any of you people like cornhole, uh, cool, I am actually ranked nationally.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm ranked globally 4,997 out of 5,000. I'll tell you guys what my global ranking is.

Speaker 2:

You'll be thrilled to know that. Like what place you're in. Yes, people are dying to know this. Global rankings I am number 439,645. Whoa, so I'm in the top half a million people globally.

Speaker 2:

If anybody wants to know that there's probably 500 000 that they accept and I'm right there on them. Nice, but no, uh, we play. Me and some guys from church and a bunch of others play. Uh, but this past tuesday, the ultra team for any of you that know cornhole ultras they make bags and apparel and stuff but they came to our venue that we play at and visited with us on their way to play one of the acl tournaments and we got to play with a bunch of the elite players and one professional player. They were explaining it to me so to be elite, you have to qualify to go play pro because you don't quite have enough points. I don't understand the whole thing but if I understood them correctly, uh, elite has to qualify, so they have to garner more points and different things to be able to go play in the pros and that's what a lot of those guys are doing.

Speaker 2:

But one of the guys that actually came and played with us was ranked or is current. I went, looked him up while they were telling him, like there's no way, he's currently ranked number 12 in the world. Whoa, this kid is ridiculous. I sat there and watched him play and asked I got several points from, was asked him about his throw and stuff. But, yeah, currently ranked number 12 in the world and I got to that's cool. Throw a little bit with him, that's cool. Uh, my bags are ultra bags, so they had the hat. I'm like I'm definitely getting that. Yeah, someday I'll sponsor you, but it was cool. Um, you know, out of all the bags that you can buy I mean there's brands everywhere like a month and a half ago I picked up ultra bags and then the guys show up a month and a half later just passing through on their way to which they scheduled it with us, uh, but they came and visited us. It was pretty cool to do.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome I was gonna say, um, was that? Is he on the same ranking that you would be on, or is it yours is just more um, domestic. Is yours domestic or is yours worldwide?

Speaker 2:

my ranking the, the 439 000. That's global. Yeah, that's cool. So I am ranked.

Speaker 1:

I am ranked along with him, but I'm within his ranks, you know, but I'm like 400,000 off.

Speaker 2:

I'm 439,600. And what is that? 23 off from him. There you go. Well, hey, I and I actually looked him up on the app and he in. So he's from Arizona and in Arizona he's the number one player in the whole state of Arizona. He'd have to be. Yeah, he's, he's a beast, that's cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, uh, a lot, lots been going on. We just had our golf tournament. We were supporting elite to the Rescue, which is an organization. They do a lot of different things. One of the main things they do is rescue sex traffic and kidnap victims, so we were able to raise quite a bit of money for that. There you go. Here's a picture of the guy.

Speaker 2:

No go ahead. I was just saying I went and looked him up real quick. I'm going to interrupt you while you're talking about We'll put a picture on.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm not. We'll put a picture on the video whenever no, we're not.

Speaker 2:

So his rankings on the app. So the ACL, they have their own rankings that they do. And then there's this app. It's score Holy, but he in his club he's ranked number one. In arizona he's ranked number one and according to this, he's ranked number five globally. Globally, yeah, well, that's pretty good.

Speaker 1:

I mean he's, yeah, he's phenomenal to play anyway, before I was rudely interrupted about my own life. Um, yeah, work, youth group, hma conference, golf tournament, different ministries there Lots been going on there. This episode's really off the cuff, so I could end up talking about just about anything Like. One moment we're talking about cornhole, the next moment we'll talk about some deep stuff. So you'll just have to bear with me if the tone sort of changes a little bit on some of these parts and forgive me for that.

Speaker 1:

This is gonna be so fun but, um, I don't know there's there's been a lot going on. There's been a lot of, uh, different mental battles and struggles I've been going through and different, um I don't know, just different things in life. I think everyone's sort of facing you know, kind of wondering, like where there you go, kick back a little bit more, sean.

Speaker 2:

Hey, if you're going to do it, I'm going to do it. Yeah, my feet are going to end up in his camera though.

Speaker 1:

Kind of wondering. No, they're not that way. Are they move your feet? No, they're not. Wait, are they move your feet? No, they're good. There you go um, just like wondering, like, with everything going on, like how the world's gonna be in another four years and that is election year.

Speaker 1:

Another six months, yeah right another two weeks seems like there's always different things going on and different changes and I don't know. Just trying to like figure out, um, what I'm raising my children in, you know, not really sure what the future holds for them. Some of that scares me, you know. If I'm honest, some of that puts fear in me, just because you know you want what's best for them, but you don't really. But you know other people don't have good intentions for them like you do. And so just like figuring out how they're going to, how it's going to be in 10 years when they are adults mainly, I mean, I think my youngest will be 15, so she won't be quite an adult, but the other two will be like 17 and 18. So I think 17 and 20 in 10 years. So it just there's a lot there. There I have an 18 year old, yeah, so there's a lot. I don't know. There's a lot to think about.

Speaker 1:

Do you ever like think about? I always think about this stuff in the middle of the night and I hate it because it always keeps me up. But you ever think about, like when you lay down, like did I really give my best to my children? I hate that thought because I've had that thought a lot the last couple weeks, just with everything going on, like, like the political climate of everything that's changed. Um, we can talk about politics all day but just seeing the different global things that have been going on and not really certain like what tomorrow will bring, what the next couple of hours over I mean the last two to three weeks politically have felt like like a couple of days. It's like everything.

Speaker 1:

Like you got, I mean, donald Trump I've got a picture of it back here. I've got a funnier picture bound below it, but maybe I'll show you guys that sometime. But like donald trump was just shot in the air, like less than three weeks ago, and in that time span you've had, you know, his. He shot, got shot in the air. Biden steps down. We don't know where Joe Biden is. He steps down. Kamala Harris, you know.

Speaker 2:

Ends up in the hospital. Nobody talks about it.

Speaker 1:

Nobody's talking about that, but we'll. We're trying to keep the conspiracies to, to to Charlie Kirk and those guys. But you're right, though, like there's been stuff like that that happened in Vegas. No one talked about it. He's been gone out of the limelight. Kamala Kamala I don't really care how you pronounce her name, and it's not racist that I don't know how to pronounce her name. She stepped up. She's running now, you know, for president.

Speaker 1:

But, like, also through that time, we've had different random earthquakes. Earthquakes we've had, um, they've found russian and chinese, I think, bomber planes off the coast of alaska. They've had just this morning they had three um prisoners exchanged, or it may have been four prisoners from the russia exchanged for, um, I think, six Russian. Did I say four presidents, or did I say four citizens, four prisoners? Yeah, it's off the cuff, we're not cutting it out Four prisoners that we ended up exchanging for six prisoners that we had from Russia, which turns out that was just a hostage situation. Um, we won't get into all that either, but just different things like that that have been going on that have just been really strange. Was the al-qaeda?

Speaker 2:

was? I think it was al-qaeda. One of the al-qaeda leaders was killed yesterday.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was another thing. It's like every day you wake up there's like something different, or something new, pretty big going on. Yeah, something big going on that you just don't, you don't really know, like, what the next couple of hours are going to hold. Like I actually saw a video a week and a half ago of of Yellowstone, like parts of Yellowstone erupting, and I was just like dude, what is happening in our world right now, and that was Tuesday Cause we were headed to Mexico.

Speaker 2:

We get halfway there and we stop at Chick-fil-A for lunch and Brad's like dude, you see what's going on at Yellowstone? Yeah, I know what's going on. He was like dude.

Speaker 1:

The geysers are blowing up. Yeah, it's like okay. It feels like okay and I'm throwing this out there, okay, what it's? It feels like okay and I'm just I'm throwing this out there, okay, you guys can take it or leave it. You can be conspiracy theorists, you can call me crazy, I don't really care.

Speaker 1:

It's an election year and it feels like a covid election year without the covid, because I remember during covid um in 2020, it was like one thing after the other. Then, too, it was like we'd had shortages, we had coin shortages, we had different things like that. Obviously, during election year, you're a president, so you're wanting to get a bunch of stuff done and a bunch of deals done so you can win reelection typically. So there was a lot of that, I feel like through COVID. I can't even remember some of the stuff that happened, but just random, stupid things were happening like every single day and it's sort of you sort of have like that same feeling and it's it's weird because it's the uncertainty, but also it's just the uncertainty of um.

Speaker 1:

You know what's happening globally, like like I mean, I'm just throwing stuff out there and I'm not trying to scare tactic anybody. I'm just telling you what, what's been on my mind and what it's a mental heart. We're uncharted here. We're speaking from the, what I call this episode from the heart, huh. But when he calls uncharted, yeah, for real. Um, but you know, you think about those things like dude, anytime now you could, we could be invaded. I mean, the border's been open. You know, pretty um, there's been a lot of people come in illegally, and whether you're democrat or republican, that's a talking point that I'm going to leave for you to debate about, please not on our page.

Speaker 1:

Not on our page.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, please not on our page, because I don't care Another something that happened yeah, I was reading about it like maybe two hours ago. I believe it's the state of Ohio, mm-hmm. Ohio has they started doing an audit and at this point they have found 499 undocumented citizens that were registered to vote and they're going through the process of taking them off the vote, the voter rolls, I guess, like they were matching them up with the DMV or something like different register things we had to register and they're finding them.

Speaker 1:

They had I think to me, like, if you, if you look at that, it's really hard to be, like the elections, not rigged, you know, and I'm not one of those rigged guys it's just like Joe Biden's not my president Like Joe Biden's, my president currently, although he's not even really alive and I don't think that he's. I think that he may be AI. But anyway, I'm teasing. Please don't, don't cancel us here. I'm teasing For real though. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

When, so like before, joe Biden stepped down, yeah, I mean maybe a week before, when the whole fight was going on. Yeah, uh, what's he gonna do? They're trying to push him to go. I told dad, I said I'd give him a week and a half and he'll pass away. Yeah, from something crazy. Yeah, and we got said that too to somebody. We got to talk about weird junk. Yeah, just, you know, going political and all that stuff, and then trump gets shot and then, like two days later, they're at a convention and joe biden mysteriously ends up in the hospital. Yeah, and then nobody's heard from him. Well, no, which it took several days. I know on a wednesday he did his little speech thing, but it took him like a week to get him back out to talk and stuff. And I'm just like I told you, dad, he's gone.

Speaker 1:

Well, no one's talked to him. I mean, they they've had, I think, one. He had a state of the union address. It was on a wednesday, and then I think they talked this afternoon about the prisoner swap, you know. So that's like two times in the last week and a half to two weeks that he's actually spoke, which has been nuts to me. I mean, he's the president of the united states right now.

Speaker 1:

Dude, we could get into so many politics and I'm going to make a lot of you mad that are my friend. I'm not trying to do that, kamala. Kamala is not our answer, by the way, it doesn't matter if she's a woman, like I would have voted for Condoleezza Rice, or I would have voted for Sarah Palin, you know back in 2008. You know back in 2008. So, chill a little bit before you think that I'm a sexist or racist. But it is crazy. You know that. That stuff, and not to mention, like that, the phone call he had with Kamala I'm going to butcher her name, I'm sorry, I'm going to call her Kamala, but the phone call that he had with her, um, like, there's been people that have researched that and have said that that phone call was actually AI, you know.

Speaker 2:

So, and obviously isn't it weird that AI suddenly comes out the year. Yeah, exactly Right.

Speaker 1:

And the election year. And I know like your mainstream media is not going to cover that and none of your big dogs are going to research that or try to figure out what that is, so it doesn't matter, you know. But like there are a lot of things like that that are going on and a lot of like to me are really cool. Like I think AI is incredible, but it's also really scary.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, for sure I was. I was watching this um and it's still like an ongoing case about this pastor that's wife wife had died, um, and he got up in front of the congregation he was like yeah, he preached this whole message and then like right after his altar service, he's like my wife died yesterday and just like super weird. And then they got record of the 911 call and it sounded like her but it was like really calm for someone that was going to like commit suicide. It was just really awkward and weird. And they actually had people that like ran that through some tests and and they discovered it was like a really big percentage that it possibly was AI that did that.

Speaker 2:

I hadn't heard that part.

Speaker 1:

So there's just like, like AI is really cool, but it's also really freaky, like I'll probably end up using AI to edit this podcast at some point. But it is really strange. Our titles and our description, sometimes like AI tries to generate those and I've got to be like, no, you're not doing that. You know ai. But all the things that are going on in the world it it is really. It gets me thinking.

Speaker 1:

It's like man, like every day literally is a gift from god. Yeah, every moment that I'm here, free to do whatever I want. And what? Where am I taking that Like? What am I doing with that time? Am I spending enough time with my kids? Or am I just doing things you know work, or working around the house, or, you know, doing odd end jobs or or doing things that you know? It's not that I want to be procrastinating or lazy, but it's like I would much rather connect with my kids and my wife and and and be close to them than just, you know, kill myself working and then come to find out, hey, we're, we're not going to be alive next month. That's really harsh. I feel like we will be, but you know what I mean. Yeah, you know, that's really harsh.

Speaker 2:

I feel like we will be. But you know what I mean. Yeah, the time with kids thing has been a huge question in my mind lately, especially being on the self-employed side of things. You know, I'm trying to build a business, I'm trying to be successful and you know there have been times this last year or so where I'm gone 14, 16, 18 hours in the day, when I get up before they're awake and when I get home they're in bed.

Speaker 2:

Right, and you talk about laying in bed asking a bunch of questions when that, you know that question there is man, are you? Are you sure? Yeah, and and I've, I've been guilty of it find myself, you know, I'll have a saturday off, or you know be a slow week or whatever, and my kids will come running there, dad, dad, dad, can we go swimming, or let's go to the zoo, or let's go to the, you know, the swim park or whatever. And I'm like man, I just don't feel like it, I'm tired and I'm telling you the moment they walk out the door yeah and the door closes and I'm all alone.

Speaker 2:

It's like that was a horrible idea. Yeah, yeah, and I've I mean, I've asked myself. I'm not saying I do it every time, still, you know, there's still times where things come up, where things happen. But I'm just a man, I've got to Because there's I mean, there's things going on. That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

I read, and some of you all may know this, but there's a Cocoa Melon. It's a kid's show and it used to be just a bunch of nursery rhymes and things like that, and I watched one of their videos yesterday, I think it was, and there's two men standing there singing a song back and forth and it was something to the effect of you can be who you want to be, just think about it and pick one. Yeah, want to be, just think about it and pick one, yeah. And there's a young boy that's standing there looking at a crown and the little blue, green, red hats with a little spinner on top of. You know I'm talking about, yeah, and the boy's standing there trying to make a decision if he's going to pick the little crown up and it's not a king's crown, it's like the hair barrette kind with and comes out dancing in a dress or a tutu, whatever you want to call it.

Speaker 2:

And I was like man, yeah, how many times have I, as a parent, has been like my kids watch stuff? I'll say it, I'm not ashamed to say it. We try to monitor it. We try to watch it. If they want to buy a new movie, we'll go look at it. A lot of times, jay and I will watch it before, or one of us will watch it before we let them even. When I saw that video, how many times before? Or one of us will watch it before we let them even but it? Man, when I saw that video, but how many times have I been too tired or too busy and I said, hey, you can go watch something right now. Yeah, give me 30 minutes to watch something.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, has that video popped up in front of them Right.

Speaker 2:

And for all you people note here, I'm gonna get on this. Oh boy, no, we're just gonna go with it. It is stupid for you not to have a tv in your house or tell your kids you don't believe in tv but you'll let them watch youtube, yeah. Or you don't believe in watching movies but you'll spend them watch YouTube, yeah. Or you don't believe in watching movies but you'll spend three hours watching movies or watching the latest hunting video on YouTube or whatever. That is stupid. Yeah, it's the same thing Ran over.

Speaker 1:

Well, you know, it's kind of crazy, like and I agree with that, it is stupid, by the way, I'll just I'll back you up on that with that it. It is stupid, by the way, I'll just I'll back you up on that. What's kind of crazy is the things that we have been like our me and your generation, that we have been desensitized to desynthetize, desynthes I'm gonna mispronounce that desensitized, desensitized to when it comes to different, um, different types of media. You know, yeah, and I get it, some of you can listen to something and there's a curse word in it. You just turned off.

Speaker 1:

But like I grew up watching stuff like nothing bad, but like I just I grew up around people, not family members, but like I've known people that have cussed my whole life like I just I don't cuss, yeah, but when they do, I'm just it's like in one ear out the other, like I just don't think about it, but the. The other crazy thing is I was thinking about, like our cartoons, like that I had growing up I know you probably didn't, I don't know if you like watched a lot of like nickelodeon and disney and stuff like that I had grown up. I know you probably didn't, I don't know if you like, watched a lot of like nickelodeon and disney and stuff like that growing up or not. But like some of the, some of the cartoons that I grew up watching, um, looking back as an adult were actually very um, I'll vary is a strong word but there were several like sexual innuendos and yeah, you know, and they're very heterosexual sexual innuendos, you know, and a lot of it was was hidden and you don't realize until you watch the same thing as an adult, because like even shows that I've seen before and I'm like, oh, I approved that, no problem, I'll go and I'll like, yeah, you can watch that, and then I'll be sitting there with them and I'm like I've seen this thing like hundreds of times.

Speaker 1:

I grew up watching this stuff.

Speaker 1:

And I don't remember that thing, like, I think, rocco's Modern Life, or Doug I don't know if you remember Doug at all Cat Dog, cat Dog, like those. Even SpongeBob, like some SpongeBob a little bit, but it's weird how that used to be sort of um, sort of adult friendly to where, like, as an adult, you can watch it and your kids aren't going to understand it, because I didn't know what I was watching growing up. And I'll be honest with you, I don't think that it really, like hurt me. I don't know, maybe it did hurt me mentally. I don't think that it did me mentally, I don't think that it did.

Speaker 1:

But what's crazy is like now everything is sort of it's almost as if it's it's kicked it up a notch, yeah, where it's not like they're talking about sex per se, but they are sort of pushing. You know the word is agenda, but they are sort of pushing the agenda of like, you know you can be whatever you want to be. You know your body's changing and you can accept that. You know, even though you're you were born with male appendages, you can be a woman, you know. And it's such a weird, it's such a weird place for our kids honestly.

Speaker 2:

I believe some of that, though, is because we have been desensitized, right. Well, that may be true. That's why I kind of thought about that, because you know, you know we were on, say, level one, and they've done it so much that we don't even think about it anymore. And you talked about the cuss words. You know, going in your one, out the other in one year, ear and out the other, in your one, out the other in one year, ear and out the other. I can't even say that. You know there's I'm that way in the world now, but if my kid, if my child hears it, I want them to understand hey, that's not something. I had that happen. You want to? You want to see a reality check? I was watching a reel on facebook this has been a few years ago on a pretty popular show at the time, and they said a phrase. I'm not going to repeat it, but they said a phrase that it wasn't like, it wasn't blasphemous or anything, but there was a cuss word in it. It was a three word phrase.

Speaker 1:

Say it. I was a three-word phrase. Say it, I'm sure you get it.

Speaker 2:

No, and I thought I mean I'm just watching. I'm like, oh, okay, keep going. And my son was sitting right beside me and guess which phrase he repeated Exactly yeah. Right Now I have to explain to my boy we don't say that, yeah, and I, if he's anything like me, well, you're watching a show that has it. Why can't I say it Right, listen, I I don't care if you watch TV. Yeah, personal personal opinion. I don't care if you watch TV. Yeah, personal opinion. I don't care if you watch YouTube. I don't care if you watch hunting videos. I do care if you're wasting time. Sure, because I can point, I can take you in the Bible and show you where wasting time is wrong. Yeah, what are you setting before your eyes? What show are you watching? Yeah, are you watching the? Uh, what was it growing up? Was it the? I think it was the spike channel, is what it was it?

Speaker 1:

was spike, wasn't?

Speaker 2:

it yeah.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I don't know what it is now like paramount or something like that. Now maybe.

Speaker 2:

I have no idea, I don't have any satellite, anything. But anyway, you know, growing up, if you're watching, when we were growing up it was spike and it's like are you watching spike or are you watching the family-friendly? Um, what was that tim allen show? Home improvement yeah yeah you know it's. What are you putting?

Speaker 1:

before you. Well, even like even home improvement, like I've watched some of those episodes, now as an adult I'm like whoa, like my parents, let me watch this. Really and no offense to my parents by, by any means, because I still watch it and like there are episodes I still let my kids watch. But even some of those like like your family friendly shows that you thought of and and you think about now and you're like man, those are good, you know good thing that's exactly what I was doing, right there.

Speaker 1:

Well, to be honest with you, like one of the most cleanest shows ever was the cosby show, and we all know how bill cosby turned out. So it's just like it's so terrible, you know, like it's a joke. Obviously it is not a joke, it's just a funny coincidence. What was the? Uh, he had one of the cleanest shows out there and it was like what was the show? Mr Rogers? Mr Rogers was really good. Yeah, great show, great show. He was really cool, or what's the other? Bob Ross? Someone called Bob Ross the painter guy and Mr Rogersgers one of the three, one of the trinity in entertainment, but I can't remember who the third guy was and I thought it was really clever. It's kind of an interesting way to put it.

Speaker 2:

But needless to say it's what you, it's what you, you're putting before you because that's biblical yeah, it is, and and you know you think about like, like, going back to our kids.

Speaker 1:

You know that conversation, um, it's just like what. What are my kids? Um, what are my kids going to have to put up with when they reach my age? What are? What are they going to have to face? You know what are they going to have to battle.

Speaker 2:

If in the last 20, 30 years, we have went from that to this, what's the next 20 years going to look like?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, To me what it looks like is it looks like free speech is banned. Yeah, to me it looks like, um, freedom of religion is banned. To me it looks like freedom, um, or the second amendment is banned. You know all these things that that I think of, and, and, and you can say you know whatever you want. Well, that'll never happen, but little by little there I can't remember what podcast it is, but they do episodes of like.

Speaker 1:

They look at like the 1900s till now and how, throughout each decade, there's been something that's pushed the envelope, little by little, by little, until now you have different laws in place, or you're desensitized to it, and you're desensitized to it Uncharted're desensitized to it and you're desensitized to it, uncharted and desensitized. That's what we're going to call this episode, and I think you know, if you're a parent, something that is is great about this is that you can take that, that moment of not knowing what the future holds, and you can start teaching your children. Now. You know the the worst thing that you can do is wait until they reach that point, like where we're at now, to try to teach them or train them. But it's like how do I combat um? How do I combat homosexuality. You know how do I combat those who you know believe abortion is okay.

Speaker 1:

How do I combat homosexuality? You know how do I combat those who you know believe abortion is OK. How do I combat those who believe that communism is fine or that everyone should be given the same outcome, no matter how hard they work? You know how do I combat that. So it's like I'm learning how to train them now to have those values to think for themselves. I know some of you are going to listen to this and not believe this. I don't. I don't know how many times I've said I don't care, but trying to teach my kids to think for themselves, to learn for themselves and to study the Bible for themselves, I think is huge. And be able to combat that to where, when they do get older, no matter what, no matter if it's against the law to speak this way that they'll still do it, because that's what God wants and what he says, you know.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely no, it's. It's I mean, it's so important to think about those kind of things. It's definitely been on my mind here a lot lately too. I want, but I want my kids to be, to be all they can be, be the best christian they can be above all. Yeah, and it when you see things going on and happening and it definitely makes you think of yeah, uh, you know, I've thought about this over the last couple years. I'm, I'm 32 now. You know how many times has somebody, when I was growing up, make statements like have fun while you're young. Or, yeah, you know, get it while you still can. Or you know just different things like that where they they didn't mean anything, or time flies the older you get, and as a kid I was like, yeah, whatever, it's still 24 hours. I got an eight year old, a six year old, a four year old and, uh, I think she's almost 10 months now, 10 months old. That's crazy, though. Actually, that part's crazy, yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's flying by.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I'm like what happened to this summer dude? Yeah, but it's. I mean, I, I want what's best for my kids in every way and that's why I'm working as hard as I am, but I gotta be careful not to neglect that. For, for christ and and his, his glory, his kingdom, know it's. We weren't called here. Some of you guys are going to take this wrong. Oh well, but we weren't called to this earth to be rich, right? I mean we weren't. Yeah, do I want to be successful? Absolutely, absolutely. Do I want my kids to be successful? Absolutely, absolutely. Do I want my kids to be successful, absolutely. Do I want them to be well off? 100%, but at what cost? Yeah, and that's. You know. Again, that's something I've had to take a long hard look at lately and like what do you?

Speaker 1:

like how do you measure success to as big? And a lot of us learn, like you know, we think money and I think that that is an aspect of it. But it's like to me, success is, you know, no, my kids are saved Like, yeah, that's a success Knowing that they have. My wife, actually, she was crying the other day and I was like why are you crying? She's just like cause I wish that I had the same relationship with my dad that you have with your kids and it really it made me sad for her, but it was really that's success.

Speaker 1:

You know, that's something that's like man, I think about the world and there's a lot of families and kids that don't have parents. They've got like 13 parents and they're going back and forth at homes and you know, if you've done that, I'm not bashing that, but like those are successes to me. You know, when I give me there for my kids, you know those are successes to me. Like no one I can be there for my kids. You know those are successes.

Speaker 2:

My son in New Mexico. This is part of what's made me think about. We're in New Mexico at that, meeting up in the mountains, and my son is crying. Now, my son, he's a six-year-old. For most of his life he's been kind of the tender-hearted, the softer of my kids. I think he broke his finger in New Mexico and he keeps telling me it's absolutely fine, there's nothing wrong with it. He's starting to toughen up a little bit.

Speaker 2:

But I saw him crying during church and he was sitting back on the couch. There was a couch on the side for moms that need to get their kids off the metal chairs or whatever, and I was up towards the front. So I signaled at him. I was like come here, bub. So he walks up there and I put my arm around him. I said what's the matter? And he said nothing. I said no, you're crying, buddy. What's wrong? And he said I'm not really sure. And I said are you sad? He said no, I'm not. And I said I think I know what that is, buddy. I said I, I think it's jesus. Yeah, I think you're feeling the spirit right. And he said maybe because I'm crying and I'm happy, bro. When he said that, I was like that's exactly what that is boy.

Speaker 2:

I was overwhelmed when he said it. He said, maybe because I'm crying, but I'm happy.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Man. That's success and that's some you know, because, yeah, it's connecting to him. Yeah, yeah, and it did.

Speaker 2:

I'm getting, I'm getting all excited over again, uh, but I mean I want my kids to have that. I want them to be successful in all aspects. My father-in-law you know we lost him last September drove probably one of the most and if anybody knew his name was Glen Jet. If anybody knew him knew that he was one of the greatest men on earth and I'm not saying that just because he was my father-in-law. You can ask around my mother-in-law, since he passed, got cards and letters where he would go fix leaks leaks in widow's houses and not charge them a dime for it. Youth camp came around and they needed something done. Glen Jett was there.

Speaker 2:

I mean, just one of the greatest men I ever knew had several rent houses, but that was his goal in life. He wanted to retire with rent houses to where if he didn't want to work, he didn't have to. And he spent the last several months wasn't enough, but spent the last several months of his life just traveling around visiting family and friends and stuff, around visiting family and friends and stuff, uh. But when he passed away, uh, he passed away out in the field loading up cattle to take them to the sale. But the truck that he was hooked up to was a I think it was a 96 Chevy Cheyenne Long bed pickup that a tree had fallen over and landed on the hood of his truck. The hood of his truck was curled up.

Speaker 2:

I mean it's. We still have it. It's kind of the farm truck now, just a beat up, looking as piece of junk. If you asked me if I would buy it from you, I wouldn't give you 500 bucks for this truck. Honestly, it's got over 300,000 miles. It's two wheel drive. He never would buy a four wheel drive truck because it was a waste of money. I mean, just simple man With this three tone painted trailer with the floor falling in. There was one hole in the trailer and he would be like, well, they better not step in the hole Cause they're going to get road rash. It's just just one of the plainest men I ever knew. But if you talk to him about wealth like worldly riches, it didn't matter to him.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And, honestly, I don't think he realized the wealth that he had. He didn't have a lot of money. I mean, if you wanted cash money, he was okay, but he didn't have just thousands and thousands and you know, hundreds of thousands or whatever, sitting in the bank. He had assets laying around, but we lived a half mile from him. His oldest lives, you know, a few miles from him. He's got kids in New Mexico and Arkansas and Missouri, I think, but they're all spread out, but every single one of them loves him. Every single one of them, whether I agree with them or not, they all go to church, though.

Speaker 1:

They're all trying to have some kind of.

Speaker 2:

I mean that is a successful life. Yeah, absolutely he's. I mean if we'd have figured it out, it wouldn't surprise me if they said he was worth over half a million seven hundred fifty. That I mean because he had a lot of assets, yeah, but he didn't realize it worked. Half a million 750,000. I mean because he had a lot of assets but he didn't realize it Worked. I mean he passed away loading cattle up to take them to the sale, literally worked till the day he died. Yeah, just spending his time on earth. But he also took time for everybody. I'm rambling now?

Speaker 1:

No, you're not, you're not. No, I mean, I think that that's that's kind of what we're talking about here is. You know, you think about the success. I mean wealth and success have sort of changed, I think, in our generation. I mean what we perceive as wealth and success. I guess worldly, wealth and success are completely different than what we're talking about here, especially in the church world. You know, if you think about like nowadays, you know there's not a lot of people that would do that. You know that would just be like going and helping a widow for no charge or doing something just just out of the goodness of your heart, you know. Or tipping the waitress or waiter really well, but you know success and I think that that's something you know.

Speaker 1:

We're going to close this episode. I think we're like an hour in. We could talk forever. Someday we will do like a three-hour episode. We're going to go to B-dubs and keep talking about all this stuff, keep talking.

Speaker 1:

But you know anything you get out of this podcast. You know we're obviously, like I said, shooting the breeze, talking about just random stuff. But if anything you get out of this podcast, it's like train your children, give your children answers to the why, I guess, is a better way to put that and figure not going to have a lot of money, but can they be content? There's a lot of people out there that are struggling right now and change the world in the future, so I wanted to thank everybody for listening. Thank you for joining us again. Uncharted I don't know We'll call it that, but it's definitely something we want to do more often. Leave us a comment, leave us a question if you have to, but leave us feedback if you like this episode. You want to see us do more. If you want to see us have guests, um, on the on the podcast that are a little bit more laid back, like this as well, we'd love to do that too, but we appreciate those who have listened.

Speaker 1:

Shared the holy one guy yeah, the nope guy, yes, holy no, we'll have him in our seat someday, um, we'd love to. And if you have someone that you want, today is a good day to nope, nope, yeah, and if you want to have someone on our podcast that you feel would be, um, you'd like to listen to, you know, let us know, we'd love to have them. Of course, you can find us on the podcast platform of your choice by searching at podcast for him on social media or the everyday Christian podcast. It's the every day are separate, brother Sean.

Speaker 2:

Again, those virtual I got a brother, I got a brother, I got a brother.

Speaker 1:

Brother Sean, to end the podcast episode, just to you know, nip it in the bud there. But anyway, we want to thank you all for joining us and we want to. God bless you.

Speaker 2:

God bless Thanks for watching.

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